Gallery News

Membership Applications Now Being Accepted

Ptarmigan Arts invites local artists to apply for membership in our cooperative gallery. Membership is much more than merely an agreement to place work for sale in a gallery. We’d like to tell you a bit more about our gallery and what sets us apart from other establishments.

What’s Different About Ptarmigan Arts?

First of all, Ptarmigan Arts is a true cooperative. It is owned and operated by its member artists. We are incorporated in Alaska under the name Ptarmigan Arts Cooperative Corporation, and we are one of the few art cooperatives operating on a for-profit basis.

Gallery Ownership Responsibilities

Ptarmigan Arts has no employees and no paid staff. Members are responsible for every aspect of running the business (except snowplowing and preparing the tax returns). Whether it’s shopping for supplies, cleaning the carpet, washing the windows, trimming the grass, painting and patching walls, helping with First Fridays and special shows, or doing the accounting work – it’s all done by our members on a volunteer basis. As a member, you’ll be able to match your unique talents and skills with a job that needs to be done. Artists pay a one-time membership fee and a monthly rent and utility fee, and every member works approximately one day a month as the cashier and “Artist of the Day.”

Member Benefits

As a member of Ptarmigan Arts, you become a part owner in the business. You have a say in all business decisions. We meet monthly throughout the year, and every member is encouraged to attend and participate. Members pay a low commission rate for their artwork sales because we all pitch in and do the work of running the business. And, at the end of the year, every member receives a proportionate share of the net profit of the gallery.

As a member, you rent your own display space. You design and arrange your display space, and you set your own prices. You have the opportunity to sign up to be the Featured Artist at one of Ptarmigan Arts’ Weekend Shows, at no additional cost to you.

Artwork Standards

Prospective artists must have their work juried in. Artwork must meet minimum gallery standards. Once accepted, an artist can become a gallery member. The jurying process takes place at every monthly meeting except for the co-op’s annual meeting held in May or June of each year.

How Do I Apply?

Detailed information on the jurying process, membership fees, and artwork standards can be found in our Invitation to Artists brochure. Printed copies can be obtained at the gallery – just ask the Artist of the Day.

Please email your name, mailing address, email address, phone number (and whether it’s OK to text you) along with a brief description of your work to ptarmiganarts@gmail.com. Our Prospective New Artist coordinator will contact you to answer any questions you may have and to help you schedule and prepare for the jurying process.


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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