Alaska adventures


An Alaskan Addiction


Ptarmigan Arts is honored to have Michael Halverson exhibit his Alaska scenery and wildlife in our Back Room Gallery (BRG) for the month of July.  Michael was first introduced to Alaska while listening to friends talk about their experiences working on a crab fishing boat–sounded like a grand adventure.  When he went to Alaska in 1973 as a missionary, he fell in love with Alaska and especially the Kenai Peninsula.  Since that first exposure, he has been back more than a dozen times gathering reference material for his artwork.  

After graduating from college with an Art major and a Russian minor, Michael and his wife moved with their five children to Nikolaevsk and Anchor Point.  There he spent the year teaching in several of the local schools.  Their sixth child, Nikolai, was born in Homer.  They eventually moved back to Utah where he secured a permanent teaching position.

Michael paints wildlife, landscapes, and anything else that sparks his interest.  He works in oils, watercolor, acrylic, and etching.  In each work he portrays the natural beauty and uniqueness of the wilderness and then creates an original outlook on what he experiences. 

Michael’s artwork has been exhibited internationally in many shows and events.  He has been featured in a solo showing of his paintings at the Albright Museum in Yellowstone.  He also exhibited at the Pacific Rim Wildlife Art Show, Jackson Hole Galleries, and many other galleries in Canada and the United States.

Michael’s BRG show opens on First Friday, July 6th.   Please join us from 5-7 p.m. to celebrate this uniquely Alaskan exhibit.  Refreshments will be served.  Michael’s beautiful exhibit will be available for viewing for the entire month of July.  See you there!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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