
Welcome New Artists Karianna Ford and Michelle Michaud


We are delighted to introduce two new members.  First is Karianna Ford.  Karianna lives in Homer and works with fabric.  She has three disciplines–kerchiefs, book marks and cards/prints.  Here is an introduction in Karianna’s own words:

“Hello, my name is Karianna (The Waxwing Studio) and I am a cyanotype artist from the North Fork area who combines local flora with the traditional folk art of paper cutting and an old-world photographic process to make one-of-a-kind silhouettes in blue. 

“Some of my offerings include my signature “Kachemak Kerchiefs” which can be used as a tried-and-true bandana or altar cloth.  I also make paper goods such as prints, postcards and bookmarks.

“Most recently I have showcased my work in the 2023 Wearable Arts Fashion Show and digitally through Just Seeds Artists Cooperative archive.  My heart lies in making art that reflects the times and celebrates a culture of place.”

The second artist is Michelle Michaud.  She said that “art makes my heart sing.”  We are happy to introduce her as a new artist in our gallery.  Michelle has been a resident of Homer since 2007, and an Alaska resident for over 37 years.  She also comes from a family of artists.  

Michelle first remembered her experience with art when she was five years old and had to draw and color a turkey.  She also remembers getting out her little golden bird book and drawing
and coloring birds.  Since those early memories, she has taken art in junior high, high school and college.

However, around 2018, she became serious about making her own art.  She started first in watercolors and then broadened her horizon to include mixed media, oil and cold wax, and acrylics.  Michelle’s oil and cold wax and acrylic work leans towards abstract art.  Her  watercolor artwork is loose and she especially loves painting flowers and birds.  She likes to experiment using different techniques and mediums.  There is always a work in progress in her work space.  

Welcome Karianna and Michelle!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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