dimensional quilt pieces

Stitched Adventures and Tales

By Carrie Payne


The Back Room Gallery (BRG) is excited about September’s Show that features art quilts by Anchorage artist Carrie Payne.  These quilts are from a new series depicting adventures in Alaska and are brought together with dimensional pieces from her fairy tale series.  Journals, small art quilts, and tiny thread drawn art quilts will also be included. 

Carrie uses raw edge appliqué on often fraying backgrounds for her work because she feels that life does not always consist of neat, pressed, hidden edges.  We all unravel at times and Carrie embraces imperfections instead of trying to fix them, which is much more fun.  

Each girl (or boy) is created from several fabrics and embellished with thread and sometimes a dimensional dress that literally pops off the quilt.  Text print fabrics are used for ‘skin’ to depict the stories, memories and wonder we each carry with us.  Every quilt is meant to be a happy adventure.

Carrie is a self-taught mixed media fiber artist and quilter.  She combines fabric, thread, paper and found objects to create art quilts, journals and other stitched creations.  Her artwork has been featured in publications such as Art Quilting Studio, Sew Somerset, American Quilter Magazine, and Somerset Holidays & Celebrations.  

In addition to making art, Carrie designs art quilt patterns and text print fabrics.  She also teaches classes on how to demonstrate each student’s creativity with fabric and thread.  See more of Carrie’s work at www.believemagic.com.  

Join us for this unique quilt artwork exhibit opening on Friday, September 1.  The reception will be from 5-7 pm and refreshments will be served.  Come celebrate our new BRG show featuring marvelous stitched creations!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

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Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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