Feathered Friends



Ptarmigan Arts Back Room Gallery (BRG) is pleased to announce the months of August and September will feature paintings by Abbey Ulen.  Abbey’s new BRG show is entitled Feathered Friends

Birds have been a constant in Abbey’s life, and they are a reminder of hope.  While working on pieces for this exhibit, she was reminded of the times that feathered friends had given her assurance.  In this show, she has highlighted some of her favorite birds.  Abbey has successfully evoked a feeling of hopefulness and joy through bold colors and expressive mark making.  Some of Abbey’s works are done with oil to achieve the amazing action and textures that she has always admired about birds. 

Abbey has been a lifelong lover of art.  She started painting as a young girl and is self-taught.  Abbey received an award in 2018 at the Kenai Peninsula Emerging Artist show and has been involved in creating local community murals.  Her artwork can be viewed in several businesses in Soldotna.

As a professional artist, Abbey paints every day and finds joy in the creative process.  The use of textures and bold paint strokes are achieved through a variety of media besides oil such as acrylic, ink, and paper.  You can view more of Abbey’s artwork on Instagram@abbeyulen.

Abbey’s work will be displayed in the BRG August 7 through Sept 28.  

The gallery is currently open from 11am – 5pm Friday through Monday.  Gallery visitors are requested to maintain six-foot social distancing between household groups, and face coverings or masks are required (available free of charge for those who need a mask).  Hand sanitizer is available at both entrances to ensure a safe gallery experience for guests and staff.  And for the safety of all, we will not have a First Friday reception.  

We look forward to seeing our friends and customers come by to enjoy Abbey’s Feathered Friends to lift your spirits on her colorful wings.


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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