Homer Peony Celebration

Happy 100th Birthday!

Ptarmigan Arts member Carolyn Seymour celebrated her centennial birthday last month in twenty-first century style: a family reunion by Zoom of friends and four generations of relatives beamed in from coast to coast U.S. and Macedonia, no small feat spanning 12 time zones. Forty-five people each shared a memory, sang to her and simultaneously blew out candles after viewing a short slide show of her life and what the 1922 world was like.

Carolyn Seymour and “Paris Memories of the 70’s”

Carolyn, a member of Ptarmigan Arts for over 15 years, has amassed 80 years of art works and still paints today despite losing most of her eyesight. She worked in multiple media over her lifetime including watercolor, oils, acrylics, woodcut prints and etchings, and engravings. Her subjects were whatever was at hand: people, scenery, still lifes, and flowers. She often attempted to communicate a message by incorporating controversial topics like deforestation or above-ground electrical wires spoiling a mountain view.

She has recently taken up a new challenge by relocating to an assisted living facility in Missoula, Montana to be near her youngest son. Her work is represented at Ptarmigan Arts by her daughter, Sue Oesting of Homer.

As part of the 3rd Annual Homer Peony Celebration Sue will have a weekend show of Carolyn’s floral wall art (framed and unframed) and cards at bargain prices at Ptarmigan Arts July 8 and 9.

Happy Birthday, Carolyn!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

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Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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