
Welcome New Artist Chelsea Carpenter


Ptarmigan Arts Gallery would like to introduce our newest artist, Chelsea Carpenter.  We are especially happy to have a fiber arts artist with such beautiful creative weavings.

Chelsea was born and raised in Southern California.  She graduated from Pierce Community College and received an Associate of Art degree in American Sign Language.  She was a Community Interpreter in the Los Angeles area.  Eventually she found her calling, which is interpreting for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the public school system.

She found interpreting very fulfilling, but she was seeking a little adventure.  She then accepted an interpreting job in Nanwalek, Alaska.  She found this to be a great experience filled with lovely memories.  Then an interpreting job opened up at West Homer Elementary.  She took this position right away as she has always connected with Homer.  “It is the happiest place for me.”  After a few years back in California, she returned to Homer as a stay-at-home mom with two young children.

Fiber arts allows her to satisfy her creative needs and she finds that it makes her happy, balanced (with two children), and an inspired mom.  Her macrame and macraweave creations are a source of happiness to her while she makes them and hopes that it will do the same for others.  Each creation is handmade and unique. 

Be sure to stop by and see Chelsea’s wonderful macraweavings.


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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