Photographic Cards

Welcome New Artist Blaine Wright


Ptarmigan Arts Gallery would like to give a special welcome to photographer Blaine Wright.  He recently joined our gallery with his beautiful photographs (the majority on metal) and also offers lovely cards.  He photographs mostly landscapes and includes wildlife as well.

Blaine’s interest in photography goes back to the early 1970s and in the early 1980s he was fortunate to receive training from a professional photographer in Arizona.  By then he already had darkroom experience enjoying time spent using his camera on trips into the mountains.  During the 1980s he also received several photography awards.  He started with a 35mm camera and now uses a Nikon FX format DSLR. 

Blaine feels that technical proficiency and artistic vision must come together to create meaningful art.  He said, “Taking steps to capture a technically acceptable image is important, but a visually inspiring one is much more difficult to achieve.  Insight, visualization and patience play different roles in the creation of photographic art.”  It also helps to be in the right place at the right moment in time.

Blaine also stated, “Probably the hardest lesson I have learned through the years and continue to learn is even the best images I am blessed to capture through the lens cannot match the incredible emotional impact the subject of my photography imparts upon me.”  He does not believe in doing any major manipulations of his photographs using a computer.

Blaine now has a new exhibit of his photographs at the gallery, so come on by to view his wonderful photographic images—he is amazing.


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

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Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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