
Waxing Alaska

by Janaan Kitchen

Waxing Alaska is the new Back Room Gallery (BRG) exhibit for the month of September.  The show highlights Janaan Kitchen’s batiks and encaustics.  Janaan has been an honored member at Ptarmigan Arts Gallery for many years.

Janaan, who now lives in Anchorage, is an artist producing fine art batiks on rice paper with melted wax resist and dye.  She also creates encaustics for which the melted wax is the color.  On finished batiks, all the wax is removed and the colored dyes remain.  Her favorite subjects are Alaska themes, wildlife and birds.

Janaan Kitchen has done batiks since 1973.  She may be the only artist to work on paper rather than the traditional fabric.  She reports that medical issues may require that she put away her batik tools and that this could be her last show!

If this turns out to be Janaan’s last show, you will not want to miss her unique and beautiful batiks and encaustics.  She has many admirers and fans here in Homer.  Janaan takes batiks and encaustics to a new level!  This may be a unique opportunity to enjoy Janaan’s artwork!

The opening reception for Waxing Alaska will be on Friday, September 2nd from 5-7 pm and refreshments will be served.  The show will be available for viewing in the BRG until October 5th.  See you there!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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