acrylic on canvas


Paintings by Jean M. Steele

The new show in the Back Room Gallery (BRG) for July is entitled Celebrating Ravens.  It is an exhibition of Jean Steele’s 50 small paintings of ravens.  She has painted the ravens using acrylic on canvas.  Ravens challenged Jean to capture the expressive and moody nature of Alaska’s most mythical bird.  So delighted visitors will see ravens cussing and discussing and ravens tranquil and contemplative.  They will see Jean’s flying ravens, a raven dining, curious ravens and protective ravens.

It is no wonder that Jean finds ravens so intriguing.  She started with one painting of a raven, then another and another until she had enough for a BRG show!  These fascinating birds are among the smartest of all birds and have a reputation for solving ever more complicated problems.  These big birds thrive among humans stretching across the sky on easy, flowing wing beats and filling the empty spaces with an echoing croak.

Jean has always been an artist.  Even as a small child, she was painting on the walls much to her mother’s dismay.  She has a degree in art and has taken Master level courses in drawing, painting, and sculpture.  Over the years she has taught in both public and private schools.  She taught pottery (ceramics) at the local college for many years.

Jean is well known in Homer for her pottery.  However, the physical demands of pottery making have compelled her to concentrate on painting for this new chapter in her adventure as an artist.  Jean believes art should be fun.  She loved doing these paintings of ravens and had so much fun with raven expressions and moods.  Jean found it challenging to make each raven unique with their own facial expressions.

We hope you will stop by to enjoy Celebrating Ravens.  The show runs from Friday July 7th through Wednesday August 2nd.  Our First Friday reception will be from 5-7 pm with refreshments for all.  Ravens rule!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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