Also local materials in weaving

Welcome New Artist Susan Stewart


We are happy to introduce Susan Stewart.  Susan is a talented basket weaver who now has her baskets on display at the gallery.

Susan was raised in Northern California on the Oregon border in a small coastal town called Fort Dick.  Later she moved to the mountains of Gasquet where she lived off the grid.  She is a commercial bus driver by trade.

Susan started making baskets in her early 20s from a basket weaving book she found at her local library.  Later she took some classes from other weavers to broaden her skills.  She uses natural materials gathered in her local area, but mostly orders her supplies from a basket supply company.  The material is called Reed and it too is naturally harvested in the jungles of Asia and Indonesia.

Susan moved to Homer in August of 2022.  She has been coming to Homer for over 30 years to visit her sister and family and also her parents who have  lived in Homer for many years.  Recently she started teaching basket weaving classes at Kenai Peninsula College.  She also teaches private classes from Homer to Soldotna. 

Susan looks forward to becoming familiar with our wonderful art community and making Alaska her permanent home.  All are welcome to come by to see for yourself the beautiful artistry and variety of Susan’s basket weaving.


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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