disappearing history

Original Pencil Drawings

by Karol Kahn Miller

The Back Room Gallery (BRG) is happy to present original pencil drawings by Karol Kahn Miller during the month of November.  Her drawings are reminiscent of the early days in Alaska.

Karol was born in Alaska before Statehood and she grew up when the only road from Anchorage to Willow was still a dirt road.  During her early years she lived in Chugiak, Cold Bay, and Anchorage (Spenard).  Karol moved her family to Homer in 1984.

Karol’s drawings are of real places in our State that are slowly becoming part of Alaska’s disappearing history.  These lovely drawings of Alaskana are illustrations and reminders of days gone by.

Karol enjoys visiting these unique Alaska places and she imbues her drawings with both humor and nostalgia.  Anyone interested in Alaskana will especially enjoy Karol’s drawings.

The opening reception of Original Drawings by Karol Kahn Miller will take place on Friday, November 4th from 5-7 pm. Refreshments will be served.  First Friday is a great opportunity to visit with Karol and she loves sharing her Alaskan stories.  See you there!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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