
Cindy Nelson for November 3

Ptarmigan Arts is pleased to host a First Friday show by member Cindy Nelson from 5-7 pm on November 3. Cindy’s show features a new line of jewelry incorporating metalsmithing techniques that she recently added to her repertoire.

Cindy has been a bead weaver and fused glass jewelry artist for 19 years. After taking a local metalsmithing workshop from Art Koeninger, she was hooked! She currently works primarily with copper and bronze and aspires to find ways to combine her traditional glass and beads with her newfound love of metals.

She has been meeting weekly at Mariam’s Studio with others from the class. “There are so many techniques and skills when working with metal. All the metals work the same, but give different accents and hues. Together we try many different techniques and it’s been fun creating with these gals each week” she says.

With a background in chemistry, she finds added delight in metalsmithing. “The metal has chemical aspects with the solvents and acids. These various processes give beauty, individuality, and depth to each piece.”

Come and see her work and chat about techniques on November 3rd from 5-7 pm. Ptarmigan Arts is open 7 days a week from 11am-5pm. Cindy’s new work will be featured for the weekend but will also be available year round.


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

Business Hours

Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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