
Warp and Weft

By Ptarmigan Arts Gallery Artists

The Back Room Gallery (BRG) show for February/March offers a wonderful exhibit that has been especially fun to contemplate and execute.  Members of the Ptarmigan Arts Gallery have taken on themes and challenges that may be outside their comfort zone in this year’s theme show entitled Warp and Weft

“Warp” is the foundation layer of weaving while the “weft” is the thread woven through to create both fabric and design.  However, the words have also become part of the depth of the English language.  They can denote any kind of weaving such as light and color or a combination of emotions or fog in the forest.

This BRG show will feature traditional tapestry weavings by Debbie Fanatia, Heather Andersen and Jean Steele.  The bulk of the show will feature a wide variety of Warp and Weft themes in clay breadbaskets, fused glass, wire and metal.  There will be an wooden cutting board with a woven wood theme, wreaths of roots and kelp, something of birch bark, a mask made with wire, and reassembled photographs by artists Aleda Yourdon and Kathy Drew.  Other artists include Cindy Nelson (fused glass), Jeff Szarzi (clay), Ruby Hague (roots and kelp), Carol Beverly (wire), Joanne Thordarson (photograph) and Ted Heuer (wood).  (We will allow the artwork to be taken home at the time of purchase–not at the end of the show that is traditional).  

Perhaps an allegory from life, this show presents the work of Ptarmigan Arts members. Warp and Weft showcases pieces of art work that are a lovely blend of traditional tapestry weaving, woven photographs, “woven” fused glass and a whole lot more showing that the words themselves can stimulate thought and variety.

The BRG is holding over their members’ Warp and Weft show for our First Friday opening March 3 from  5 – 7 pm.  Come enjoy the refreshments and the great artwork!


471 E. Pioneer Ave.
Homer, Alaska 99603

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Open 7 Days a Week
11 am to 5 pm

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